
Virtual Reality (三)

“It’s a trap.”,Root仔细看着显示屏,试图找到他们所在地的线索。政要们被关在逼仄的小隔间里,很显然他们还没搞清楚发生了什么事。

“Ms. Shaw,我刚查到,明天是尖端生物医疗研究所举办的产品展示,他们要向政府展示最新研发的人工合成神经毒素,我查了资金来源,这家研究所是Decima公司资助的” 

“I thought so.” Shaw对Decima无聊的游戏已经感到无比地厌倦。“But why them?” Root在操控台通过Security footage定位政要的位置,她不能理解为什么Decima会绑架了十二位高官。难道不怕引起政府的注意?



中间的屏幕映出了Greer的脸,“Hello, Ms. Groves, Ms. Shaw, May I present you our latest product?”接着屏幕开始放映人工合成神经毒素的宣传片。

“Our company is driving a totally new field, Synthetic Neurobiology.”温柔的女声缓缓传出,似乎只是在说一件令人自豪的事情。人工神经毒素是由纳米机器人与致幻毒素结合而成,纳米机器人被编程直接进入人类大脑,并改变人类脑神经的电子脉冲,对大脑的潜意识进行计算和交流。技术掌握者能够控制这些元件,往大脑里输入信息就像从计算机电路中输入信息一样,并且控制脑中的奖励机制,快乐机制等神经元。而致幻毒素则将输入信息转换为虚拟世界,并提供身临其境的真实感受。这项科技成果将会为脑损伤的患者,提供精准有效的治疗。

“So they will never wake up from the virtual reality?”Shaw无法理解,Decima花这么大的劲研究这东西就是让他们昏迷不醒。

“Ms.Groves, do you still remember Maple Town?Samaritan was playing with people’s lives there, studying us. ”Finch的话一下子点醒了Root。”Our enemy hasn’t had the time to learn the intricacies of human nature, so it’s turned Maple into its own little ant farm.” 

Root顺着Finch继续推理下去“Last time we have messed up its farm, now it created a whole new studying environment that we cannot destroy, our human mind.” 

“And it can study us as long as it wants.” Shaw不满地说。12个政要,看来Samaritan真的把自己当做耶稣,研究它的十二门徒了。

“Well done, but not as long as we want. One hour is good enough for Samaritan collecting whatever it needs. After that, the toxin will kill them all,but at least they won’t have to suffer the fear and pain .” Greer那张虚伪的面孔再次出现在屏幕中央。

“However, there is one way to wake them up that one of you injects this neuron toxin, and saves them in the virtual world.” Greer不怀好意地笑了笑。话音刚落,操控台表面的机关开启,弹出一支装满神经毒素的针管。

“Why should I believe you” Shaw压抑着自己的怒火,对着屏幕说道。

“It’s up to you, but the clock is ticking, chop-chop.”中间的屏幕就这样关闭了。


“Hey,what the hell are you doing?” 强烈的不祥预感向Shaw 袭来。这辈子没有怕过任何东西的Shaw第一次被笼罩在恐惧中。“Well, if this is the only chance, let me take the risk then. I can’t lose you again. I can’t stand it anymore, Sameen.”Root轻轻咬了一下嘴唇,咧嘴笑了一下,看似轻松,但她湿润的双眼却出卖了她。毫无准备的Shaw被吓得没办法思考。

 “Ms.Groves, don’t do anything stupid. We can find another way out.”Finch 紧张地说道。

“We are runing out of time, Harry, and The Machine told me it’s worth a shot. Trust me,  if I can hack the computer, I suppose to hack the most complex circuit, human brain too.”

" Shut up Root, I am the one protect others. I do the protecting. Give me the toxin for god's sake!" Shaw现在只想毁了Finch的Machine。

“It’s too late Sameen. Let me be the hero this time.” Root 调笑中带着泪光,宠溺地看着眼前这个小矮子,这也许是自己最后一次见她了。

“No!!!I will end you if you do that!” Shaw实在忍不住怒吼道。

“You can end me all you want, right after my nap.”。 Root举起手中的针筒,把毒素注入自己的手臂里。“Goodbye Shaw.”  刚说完,Root就慢慢晕了过去。Shaw从震惊到震怒,冲过去抱着昏迷的Root低沉嘶吼 “How dare you! How dare you!” 


It will be a long night.




Virtual Reality: 是真实幻觉(Virtual Reality,简称VR,又译作灵境、幻真)是近年来出现的高新技术,也称灵境技术人工环境虚拟现实是利用电脑模拟产生一个三维空间虚拟世界,提供使用者关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让使用者如同身历其境一般,可以及时、没有限制地观察三度空间内的事物。


